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Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs , (AkPharma)
Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs , (AkPharma)
Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs , (AkPharma)
Item Number:13145
Product Code:065225-5
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Availability:In Stock: Ships in 1 day
Category: Heartburn

Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs, (AkPharma)

Prelief takes acid out of food and works almost immediately! Do you avoid the foods you love because of the heartburn they give you? Well, now you don't have to anymore thanks to Prelief. By taking two caplets as you begin to eat each meal, you'll safely and effectively prevent any discomfort the foods you're consuming may produce. 
Food such as marinara sauce, pizza, orange juice, coffee, alcohol, and soda...just to name a few. These foods are highly acidic and may make the consumer profoundly uncomfortable; they may trigger bladder pain, urinary urgency, bowel distress and heartburn for some.  
Imagine being able to eat all those foods you have grown to love with little to no heartburn! It is safe and non-toxic meaning you can use it as much as you like. Just 2 tablets with a 6 oz. cup of coffee reduces the acid by over 95% so stop worrying and start enjoying the foods you love! Prelief is a dietary supplement for use with acidic drugs, acidic foods and beverages.  
It is a dietary supplement used to reduce the acid of these foods for individuals who identify acid discomfort with the consumption of acidic foods, beverages and drugs. If these, or other medical conditions continue to occur, we highly recommend that you discontinue use and consult your physician immediate
In a 1998 retrospective study of over 200 IC patients, it was found that: 
70 percent of IC Patients reported a reduction in pain and discomfort with the use of Prelief when consuming acidic foods. 61 percent of IC patients reported a reduction in urinary urgency after using Prelief. 
In the June 2001 supplement to the journal, Urology, researchers reported that the active ingredient in Prelief, calcium glycerophosphate, reduces IC symptoms in patients with food-related exacerbations, and improved overall quality of life. 
In 5 out of 5 IC patients observed on and off Prelief, there were marked reductions in apparent cellular inflammation in patients given Prelief, using NMP22® Test Kit (Matritech, Newton, MA ) as the urinary marker.  
The NMP 22 reductions were in all 5 cases matched by reduction in pain and urgency. Both NMP 22 readings and symptoms returned to higher levels when Prelief was withheld, and dropped again when Prelief was regiven. 
A full clinical is underway.

Take 2 tablets when you begin to eat each meal. It will begin to work immediately to control and prevent heartburn. 
Caution: It is a dietary supplement used to reduce the acid of these foods for individuals who identify acid discomfort with the consumption of acidic foods, beverages and drugs. If these, or other medical conditions continue to occur, we highly recommend that you discontinue use and consult your physician immediate
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Retail Price: $32.19
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Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs, (AkPharma)

Calcium (per tablet) 130 mg 13%, Phosphorus (per tablet) 100 mg 10%.
Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs, (AkPharma)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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Prelief - Heartburn and Urinary Support for Men & Women, 300 tabs, (AkPharma)


What is Prelief? 
Prelief is made from calcium glycerophosphate, a compound that is categorized by the FDA as being Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Use with acidic foods and beverages for more comfortable eating.  
In addition, Prelief delivers a remarkable source of calcium; far more available to the body than calcium carbonate. Each tablet contains 65 mg of calcium. 
When Prelief is added to foods, does it change the taste? 
Not at all in most foods. When detectable at all, the sole change is a slight reduction in the food's acid "bite" 
Where can you purchase Prelief? 
Prelief is available in the antacid section of leading supermarkets, pharmacies and discount stores. If you do not see Prelief on the shelf, ask the store manager, not the pharmacist, to locate it for you. The store manager stocks and orders the over-the-counter products and will locate it for you. 
Who makes Prelief? 
Prelief was developed by AkPharma Inc., one of America's leading developers of specialty foods and digestants such as Lactaid and Beano. 
Why is reducing the acid in food necessary? 
Many people are highly sensitive to food. For some, various foods can cause occasional heartburn, for others the "hidden irritant" in foods can exacerbate urinary problems or bowel distress. In most of these cases, the problem lies with the unsuspected acid in the foods. Prelief is a safe, effective over-the-counter product that can help you stay comfortable. Prelief works by taking the acid irritant out of foods, so these foods are less likely to trigger problems.
Prelief is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.