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Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps , (Biotest)
Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps , (Biotest)
Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps , (Biotest)
Item Number:14257
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Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps, (Biotest)

What makes Hot-Rox Fat-Loss Phenomenon so valuable and extraordinary?.  

First of all, Hot Rox is far more effective at burning off body fat than anything available on the market. Additionally, unlike ephedra-based formulas, Hot Rox doesn't down-regulate beta-receptor sites and lose effectiveness over time. 
And get this, Hot Rox also boosts protein synthesis and the natural production of anabolic substrates (in both men and women). In other words, it may actually help to sustain or even build muscle mass. 
Even better yet, all of these metabolic benefits are preserved, around the clock, week after week, as long as you continue to take Hot Rox. 
We Made Ephedra Obsolete!
  • With A7-E super thermogenic gel
  • Clinically tested
  • Patent pending

As a dietary supplement, take one to three capsules in the morning prior to breakfast and one to three capsules six hours later, each time on an empty stomacn with 8 oz. of water. If you haven't used this supplement previously, begin by taking one capsule twice per day for the first day. Afterwards, increase dose to tolerance. 
Do not exceed six capsules in any 24-hour period. FOR BEST RESULTS, USE CONTINOUSLY FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE MONTH. 
Do not take if you are pregnant or breast feeding, elderly or under the age of 18, chronically ill, or taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicine, including but not limited to antidepressants (such as MAO inhibitors), stimulants, allergy medications, and medications for high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions. Discontinue use if you experience dizziness, headache, nausea, or heart palpitations. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take within 6 hours of bedtime. 
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Retail Price: $39.99
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Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps, (Biotest)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 36

Amount per serving

Hot-Rox Formula 950mg *
A7-E Super-Thermogenic Gel 50/700 [lauroyl macrogol-32 glycerides, p-methylcarbonylethylphenol, 3,17-dihydroxy-delta-5-etiocholane-7-one diethylcarbonate, Sclaremax (proprietary sclareolide), piperine], caffeine
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other ingredients: lauroyl macrogol-32 glycerides, gelatin, FD&C red#40, FD&C yellow #6, titanium dioxide. 
Store away from heat, light, and moisture
Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps, (Biotest)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


I LOVE IT!!! helped me loose my baby fat!

Tilldeath  "No more Jitters"
Hot Rox first with no jitters and went from 206-187 in 4 weeks.

Roy  "Great Mental Focus"
I have been on the ECA stack for 10 years. I have now been usung Hot Rox for 1 month, bye bye EFA stack.
Hot Rox - Thermogenic Fat Loss Phenomenon, 72 caps, (Biotest)

How It Works
  • Ramps up lipolysis, releasing fat from adipocytes more rapidly than ephedra-based products to the point of no contest.
  • Minimizes lipogenesis (fat creation) via increased cAMP and T3.
  • Maximizes and sustains metabolism around the clock, turning fat into heat energy, through two powerful mechanisms: Fueling the TCA cycle Stimulating mitochondrial uncoupling
  • Provides an inexhaustible supply of the weak-link substrate oxaloacetate and thus keeps the TCA cycle primed for sustained, maximum fat burn.
  • Elevates and maintains not only the increased production of T3, but the peripheral conversion of T4 into T3 as well, without suppressing TSH (natural thyroid production).
  • Doesn't over stimulate cardiac tissue or raise blood pressure.
  • Preserves or even promotes muscle-mass gains.
So if you want maximum fat-burning effects to work continually, around the clock (24/7), HOT-ROX is the perfect supplement for you!

How many calories should I eat each day? 
Figure your minimum calories per day by multiplying your body weight by 12. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, multiplying your body weight by 12 gives you 2400 calories per day. Make certain you don't consume less. This caloric intake will give you the fastest fat loss without losing a measurable amount of lean mass, or muscle. 
If I were to break my food intake into percentages, what percentages should come from protein, carbohydrate, and fat? 
We recommend getting roughly 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, roughly 1 gram of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight, and a little less than half a gram of healthy fats per pound of bodyweight. This works out to getting roughly an equal percentage (33%) of calories from each macronutrient. 
I need to lose some fat quickly. Is there some way I can "jump start" the plan, at least in the beginning?  
Absolutely. Drop grams of carbohydrates to approximately 1/2 a gram per pound of bodyweight and make up the difference with extra protein. This will definitely result in accelerated fat loss, but keep in mind that your athletic performance might be compromised by the fewer grams of carbohydrate.  
You recommend eating protein foods with carbohydrate foods. What if I'm eating meats that are fatty, like salmon? 
If you're eating fatty protein foods like red meat, eggs, cheese, or fatty fish, avoid eating them with carbs (however, low-carb, leafy vegetables are quite acceptable). On the other hand, if you're ingesting low-fat protein sources like skinless chicken breasts, low-fat fish, or protein shakes, these can and should be consumed with carbohydrates. 
Is there ever a time when I can combine proteins, fats, and carbohydrates? 
Only when the size of your meal is under 500 calories can you feel comfortable eating all three macronutrients together.  
You mention insulin surges several times in your "Big Hot Ten" recommendations. Why is it important to control insulin? 
The reason why insulin is so important is because it's so versatile. It's a hormone that must be manipulated, regardless of the person. Whether you have a hard time gaining muscle or dropping fat, insulin can be a very powerful friend or foe. 
Insulin "resistance," a condition often caused by eating lots and lots of carbohydrates (the wrong kinds and at the wrong times) can cause a tremendous amount of fat storage. For someone trying to drop body fat, having muscle tissue that's very sensitive to insulin's effects can be very important. Otherwise, losing fat can be extremely difficult. Not only can insulin affect the "golden pair" — muscle gain and fat loss — but it can also affect other hormones as well. It can affect just about every hormone there is, including testosterone. 
That's why the HOT-ROX Transformation Plan is designed to make insulin work for you, not against you.  
I'm female. Do these recommendations apply to me?  
Yes. However, women may do better by multiplying their body weight by 11 instead of 12.  
I've already lost a considerable amount of fat on the HOT-ROX plan. Should I make any adjustments?  
Those who've already lost considerable fat on the program should reduce their calorie and gram values to reflect their new, lower body weight. 
Should I consult a physician before starting the HOT-ROX plan? 
Yes. It's always a good idea to consult a physician before starting any kind of fat-loss program.  
Can I use HOT-ROX while on the Atkin's diet?  
Absolutely. HOT-ROX will greatly accelerate fat loss for those people using the Atkin's diet.  
Do I need to worry about any micronutrient deficiencies while I'm on the HOT ROX plan?  
Unfortunately, restricted calorie diets tend to cause micronutrient deficiencies unless special care is taken.  
Certain minerals and electrolytes are especially likely to be deficient. I strongly recommend you determine your intake of each of them, and compare to these values:
  • Potassium: 3.5 grams per hundred pounds of bodyweight. Morton's "Lite Salt" provides 0.7 g potassium per half-teaspoon together with 0.6 g sodium.
  • Calcium: 1000 mg or 100% RDA per hundred pounds bodyweight.
  • Magnesium: 500 mg or 125% RDA per hundred pounds bodyweight.
  • Phosphorus: 1000 mg or 100% RDA per hundred pounds bodyweight. Many protein powders, including Biotest's Grow! contain phosphorus in ample amounts, but some do not. Obtaining carbs from grain instead of sugars or refined starches also helps provide this nutrient.
  • Zinc: 15 mg or 100% RDA per 100 lb bodyweight. Double these figures if the source is zinc oxide. Various zinc supplements are available including Biotest ZMA, and it's often included in protein bars. Low zinc, incidentally, leads to low testosterone.
Correcting deficiency of these nutrients clearly improves performance and sense of well-being and can improve metabolism and retention of muscle mass as well. Check your intake of each of these micronutrients — it's well worth your time.  
What other supplements should I take while I'm using the HOT-ROX plan? 
Some additional supplements, particularly DHA/EPA ("healthy fats"), Biotest Methoxy-7, and Biotest Surge can be of particular value when dieting. They're not necessary when using HOT-ROX but may yet further improve results.  
We don't recommend stacking with ephedrine, synephrine, yohimbine, forskolin, 7-keto DHEA, or actually any other "fat-burner." It's unnecessary! HOT-ROX already covers all the bases. By adding other compounds, you could lessen the overall effect and even more importantly, stimulants combine unfavorably with HOT-ROX.  
Will I feel anything from taking HOT-ROX, such as that jittery feeling I get from ephedrine products?  
No, HOT-ROX doesn't contain ephedrine or any stimulants other than caffeine that's simply used to potentiate the effects of one of the other ingredients. You might, however, feel warm after taking it.  
How long can I use HOT-ROX?  
HOT-ROX is safe to use indefinitely. However, rapid fat loss is probably best limited to eight weeks at a time, or to cycles of two weeks of intensive dieting separated by one week at normal calories.  
"Slow but steady" fat loss, by which I mean rates of up to about one pound per week, may on the other hand be continued as long as appropriate. This can be the best approach for many people. 
Furthermore, most of "The Big 10" recommendations can be followed for your entire life to ensure that you'll always be fit, trim, muscular, and healthy! 
In closing, let us reiterate that this lifestyle plan represents the work of some of the most gifted thinkers in the weight-loss world. How you choose to implement the plan is up to you. Simply adopting a few of the principles will take you a long way in reaching your physique goals. However, using all of them — in conjunction with a fabulous product like HOT-ROX — will take you beyond your physique goals, possibly to a place you never thought possible!
Hot Rox is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.