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Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy , (Holistic Trends)
Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy , (Holistic Trends)
Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy , (Holistic Trends)
Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot -
Item Number:25302
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Category: Allergies

Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy, (Holistic Trends)

Elegant Ceramic - Narial Nasal Cup  
The ceramic Narial Nasal Cup is of finest quality being handmade, hand fired and glazed with a lead-free glaze.  
Don't settle for poor quality imitations!  
Top rack dishwasher safe. No obtrusive handles to break off or interfere with use. The specially designed grooves along the cup's body provides a secure grip during use. Complete directions and informational brochure included. Also includes 1/4 teaspoon measure. 
Nasal irrigation is a 5,000 year old technique. The Narial Nasal Cup brand neti pot is scientifically designed to provide a safe, easy, comfortable and inexpensive method for this technique.  
Cleansing of the nasal cavities with a gentle saline solution promotes continued upper respiratory health by removing the airborne pollutants, allergens and excess muscous that lead to allergy symptoms, sinus infections, congestion, and colds and flus.  
Users often find sinus problems disappear without the need for medication. It's easy as brushing your teeth!  
Narial Nasal Cup:
  • Easy to keep clean;top-drawer dishwasher safe.
  • Very portable, fits in purse or briefcase.
  • No electricity need.
  • Requires only tap water and table salt, no need to buy special solutions.
  • Shatterproof plastic available.
  • Complete directions inside.


STEP 1: Rinse out the neti pot. 
Rinsing removes any dust which may have settled on it. 
STEP 2: Fill the resevoir with warm water. 
Water should be comfortable to the touch: not too hot, not too cold. Distilled, filtered, spring or tap water is acceptable. Although it is usually not necessary, if you should choose to boil the water, be sure you wait for the water to cool to a comfortable temperature before use. 
STEP 3: Dissolve a level 1/4 teaspoon of table salt into the water. 
It is necessary to accurately measure the salt and be sure it is fully dissolved. Too little or too much salt may cause discomfort as the saline solution will then not be the same salinity as your body tissue.  
STEP 4: Lean over the sink from the waist and tilt your head to one side. 
STEP 5: Place the tip of the spout against the upturned nostril. Tip the neti pot to allow the saline solution to flow naturally and gently into the nostril, across the nasal cavity and out the other nostril. Do not inhale, gravity will cause the water to flow properly. 
The Narial Nasal Cup brand neti pot is designed to properly regulate the flow of the saline solution to be comfortable and effective. Inhaling interrupts the flow and may cause unnecessary discomfort. 
STEP 6: Blow your nose without closing off one nostril. It takes practice, but you can do it! 
If one nostril is closed, forceful blowing may injure the inner ear. Always blow gently. 
STEP 7: Repeat steps 2-6 on the other side. 
STEP 8: Rinse the neti pot thoroughly. 
We recommend that you keep a container of salt and the included 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon with your neti pot in the bathroom to encourage daily use.
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Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy, (Holistic Trends)

Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy, (Holistic Trends)

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Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot - Helps Alleviate Your Sinus & Allergy, (Holistic Trends)


What is nasal irrigation? 
Nasal irrigation is an ancient ayurvedic technique for maintaining upper respiratory health. It is performed with a neti pot - a teapot like device filled with lukewarm saltwater. The saltwater solution is poured through one nostril, flows across the nasal septum, and out the other nostril carrying pollutants, bacteria, allergens and other debris with it. 
What are the benefits of nasal irrigation? 
Regular nasal irrigation has been showns to reduce or eliminate allergies, colds and flus, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, coughing, stuffy and runny noses, and other upper respiratory disorders. 
Most respiratory disorders are caused by either pollutants, allergens, bacteria or dried mucous accumulating in the sinuses. These can cause the body to react by producing excess mucous to try to remove the problem, which often leads to runny noses, coughing or even bronchitis when the mucous begins to drip down the throat into the bronchial tubes. Additionally, bacteria allowed to build up in the sinus cavites, and may create chronic problems. 
By flushing irritants out of the nasal cavities, the Nasal Cup neti pot allows proper functioning of the respiratory system, encourging good health and proper breathing. 
If the solution doesn't actually go into the sinus cavity, how can it help clear up or prevent sinus infection? 
The sinuses and nasal cavities are connected by little holes. The sinuses drain through these holes into the nasal cavity and out the nose or into the throat. Nasal irrigation keeps these passages clear by removing debris which clogs them thus allowing normal drainage to occur and preventing congestion and infection. In addition, the saline solution thins and removes the thick, heavy mucous which is a breeding ground for bacteria while diluting the bacteria and washing it away. 
What do the doctors say? 
Nasal irrigation has been recommended by doctors in this country for over 100 years. There is even medical research examining the benefits of the practice. Many Ear-Nose-Throat doctors around the country have rediscovered this information and are encouraging their patients to practice nasal irrigation daily. 
Who should use the Nasal Cup neti pot? 
Nasal irriation benefits everyone who breathes. It is recommended to be done 1-2 times a day to help maintain upper respiratory health, especially after exposure to allergens and pollutants, such as from lawn mowing or working in a factory. During periods of upper respiratory illness, the Nasal Cup neti pot is particulary effective in reducing sypmptoms and hastening recovery. 
Does it hurt? 
Nasal irrigation with the Nasal Cup neti pot, when done properly, is comfortable and refreshing. The main reason it might sting or burn is that the salt is not measured accurately. When the resevoir is full, a level 1/4 teaspoon of salt is exactly the right amount to the make the solution the same salinity as your body tissues. Too much, or even to little, salt can cause the solution to be abrasive. Be sure the salt is dissolved completely. If you have a water softener, you may need to use less salt. If desired, a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda may be added to the saline solution as a buffering agent should discomfort occur. 
I am sure I am measuring the carefully and it still burns a little. What's wrong? 
Sometimes the membranes in your nasal passages are dry and cracked due to central heating, climate or the use of some medications, particularly those designed to treat congestion. If this is the case, there are two suggestion: 1) Use a very "clean" salt like the pharmaceutical grade salt available on our website. This should help considerably. 2) Wash your hands thoroughly, then pour a little cooking oil the palm of your hand (olive or sesame are fine), dip your finger into the oil and then very gently rub the oil inside your nostril. Inhale gently to move the oil upward. Do this for severaly days and you should see a difference. 
Will it go into my throat? 
By bending over at the waist and placing your head lower than your shoulders, the solution will flow gently in one nostril and out the other. You can even breathe through your mouth while using it. 
Why isn't the solution coming the other nostril? 
The main reason the solution does not come out the downturned nostril is that the nasal cavity is so heavily congested that the water cannot get through. In that case, a small amount of the soution will remain in your nasal cavity and soften and dilute the mucous and/or debris which is encrusted there. Over the next few hours you may experience dripping from the nose, particularly when you bend over, as the solution works to dissolve the obstruction; so keep a tissue handy. After a couple of days, the congestion should be cleared and the solution will flow out. Daily use will keep it under control. 
Why is dry out my sinuses? 
The solution is mild enough that its use 1-2 times a day will not dry the tissues. Sometimes, however, people experience a drying of the nasal tissues, expecially during the winter when indoor air is artificially hot and dry. In this case, simply moisturize the sinuses as described above. 
Why shouldn't hold one nostril shut when I blow my nose? That's the way I have always done it. 
When you hold one nostril shut, then blow, the material in the nasal cavity may either go out the other nostril or into the inner ear. The danger is that you may force infections material into the inner ear leading to ear infections or damage to the ear. You should always blow gently and through both nostrils. 
How often should I use the cup? 
Under normal conditions, 1-2 times a day. If you are suffering from sinus infection or congestion, 3 or 4 times a day for a couple of days could be helpful. Excessive use of the saline solution can be drying, however, so prolonged use more than twice a day is not recommended. Using the cup immediately after exposure to pollutants and allergens - after yard work or heavy cleaning, for instance - is very helpful. 
Do I have to purchase special salt packets? 
The Nasal Cup brand neti pot is designed to use regular tap water and your choice of salt. If you choose to use distilled or bottled water, be sure it is warmed, but not hot. Be aware that some salts take more work to dissolve fully into the water. 
Will I be able to get off medications? 
Although we can't guarantee everyone will be able to stop their medications, we receive many wonderful stories each year from people who where able to stop using nasal sprays, antihistamines or other medications through regular use of the neti pot. As always, consult your doctor before quitting any prescribed medication. 
The Nasal Cup brand neti pot is scientifically designed to be safe, comfortable, effective, and easy to use. Because of the precision design, the cup holds the exact amount of water needed to always create an isotonic solution. It is streamlined for ease of holding and using and is small enough to be portable.
Ceramic Narial Nasal Cup Neti Pot is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.