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11221 Rush Street Unit #D
South El Monte, CA 91733
Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz , (Starwest Botanicals)
Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz , (Starwest Botanicals)
Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz , (Starwest Botanicals)

Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic -

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Saw Palmetto
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Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz, (Starwest Botanicals)

Starwest Botanicals, one of the largest organic herb suppliers in the United States, is pleased to offer saw palmetto berry in several different forms. Saw Palmetto Berry, also known by its botanical name of Serenoa repens, is available as an extract, cut and sifted, powder and capsule forms from Starwest, as are organic and kosher versions of this helpful dried herb.
  • Origin: United States
  • Common Names: Sabal serulata, palmetto berry, American dwarf palm tree, cabbage palm
  • Botanical Name: Serenoa repens
  • Kosher Certified
The plant itself looks like a short palm tree, except that instead of growing tall like a tree it tends to spread into a bushy shrub-sized plant. The palm produces white flowers that lead to the formation of reddish-black berries.  
Saw palmetto berry is just one of the superior dried herbs that you will find available from Starwest Botanicals, offered with a one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee for every product we offer. Starwest is a certified bulk herbs processor with a commitment to offering its customers value.  
Enriched with DHT-fighting compounds, Saw Prostate-O: The Inflammation Reducer helps minimize prostate swelling while improving urinary flow. Thanks to its high concentrations of beta-sitosterol and phytosterol complexes, men can see reduced prostate inflammation. [Read more...]


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Retail Price: $13.10
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Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz, (Starwest Botanicals)


Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz, (Starwest Botanicals)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
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Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz, (Starwest Botanicals)

Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - 4 Oz is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.


Saw Palmetto Berry Pwd Organic - Serenoa repens, 4 Oz, (Starwest Botanicals)